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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have wool from your sheep?We shear our sheep yearly. Each year we have over a ton of wool from our flock. The wool is great for making comforters and mattress pads. Just ask all our family...we all sleep on wool.
Can individuals purchase lamb or goat meat from you?Absolutely. State law requires us to sell you either a whole or half animal. You contact us to purchase the lamb or goat and we take it to a local meat processor. You work directly with the processor to set up how you want your meat processed and packaged.
What do you feed all your livestock during the winter?Minnesota can have some of the most brutal weather for both us and our livestock in the winter. All our stock are provided shelter from the weather. We feed hay when the pasture is frozen and not usable.
Do the working dogs know to protect the livestock or do you have to train them?Our guardian dogs are breed specifically for the purpose of livestock protection. The protection is instinctive. We train them to respect us and follow our commands.
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